This page includes the questions we are most often asked, by you, the community.
We are committed to bringing you the best possible information and helping you understand emergencies better.
So if there is something you want to know, then let us know, or contact your local emergency services.
Emergency WA FAQs – Emergency WA upgrade and AWS information
What's new?
The Emergency WA app is now available for download through the App Store or Google Play on your mobile device.
The app is a powerful tool that offers the fastest and most accurate way to get trusted alerts and warnings for hazards across Western Australia.
With the app, you can:
Emergency WA allows you to stay in the know when it matters most. Learn how to use Emergency WA and the app by watching this video.
The app is a powerful tool that offers the fastest and most accurate way to get trusted alerts and warnings for hazards across Western Australia.
With the app, you can:
- Set up customised watch zones to receive alerts and warnings relevant to you.
- Receive tailored push notifications straight to your device.
- Access and listen live to ABC emergency broadcasts.
- Upload and store critical documents in one place, such as your Bushfire Plan.
Emergency WA allows you to stay in the know when it matters most. Learn how to use Emergency WA and the app by watching this video.
What information is available on this site?
Emergency WA provides:
- Warnings and alerts from a range of government entities. When an incident escalates, a warning or alert may be issued to provide more details and specific safety advice to the community.
- A live feed of incidents reported to DFES which means when a fire or other incident is reported, basic information about the type and location of the hazard will be published. This allows you to find out about a fire or incident as soon as authorities do.
- Total Fire Bans and Fire Danger Ratings. Check the Fire Danger Rating and Total Fire Bans for your area by selecting the icons in the menu bar, or by visiting Total Fire Bans or Fire Danger Ratings.
- Centres and Closures including a list of evacuation centres that have been opened during an incident, or a park closure that is in place due to a nearby incident
- The ability to choose the information you want to see. By clicking on the Filter menu, you can switch on and off different types of information, including warnings, incidents, Centres and Closures and Natural Hazards.
- A new layers menu to enable you to select different map layers including Local Government boundaries, pastoral areas, DFES regions and Bureau of Meteorology weather layers.
- Easy to access information, in multiple formats. Whether it’s through the interactive, map based layout or in accessible text format you can access the information in the way that suits you. View the text version of warnings and incidents.
- Incident Areas indicate where a fire or other incident has been active. You'll see Incident Areas displayed as grey shapes on the map with the last updated time and date. Incident Areas will always be accompanied by a warning area.
How do I sign up to be notified about alerts and warnings in my area?
Download the app from the App Store or Google Play on your mobile device to receive alerts and warnings relevant to you.
Follow the prompts in the app and create your watch zones. For each watch zone, you can customise the types of notifications you’d like to receive including bushfire warnings, storm warnings, Fire Danger Ratings, Total Fire Bans, prescribed burns and more.
For more information on creating a watch zone, watch the tutorial.
Other ways to be notified:
Emergency Alert is not used in all circumstances. Whether emergency services decide to issue telephone warnings through Emergency Alert will depend on the nature of the incident.
Familiarise yourself with ways to stay informed so you are prepared with a range of information sources during an emergency and remember to check them continuously to stay aware of local conditions.
It is important that you do not rely solely on receiving an official message and should always be aware of what is happening around you, as you could find yourself suddenly in danger. Act decisively the moment you know there is danger.
If you haven't already done so, create a Bushfire Plan today.
Follow the prompts in the app and create your watch zones. For each watch zone, you can customise the types of notifications you’d like to receive including bushfire warnings, storm warnings, Fire Danger Ratings, Total Fire Bans, prescribed burns and more.
For more information on creating a watch zone, watch the tutorial.
Other ways to be notified:
- Sign up to receive an RSS feed on your device. Visit https://www.emergency.wa.gov.au/#about and select the correct link for your region under RSS and CAP AU feeds menu item.
- Sign up to receive bushfire warning notifications for your location through the ServiceWA app. Download the ServiceWA app and follow the prompts. Visit wa.gov.au for more information.
Emergency Alert is not used in all circumstances. Whether emergency services decide to issue telephone warnings through Emergency Alert will depend on the nature of the incident.
Familiarise yourself with ways to stay informed so you are prepared with a range of information sources during an emergency and remember to check them continuously to stay aware of local conditions.
It is important that you do not rely solely on receiving an official message and should always be aware of what is happening around you, as you could find yourself suddenly in danger. Act decisively the moment you know there is danger.
If you haven't already done so, create a Bushfire Plan today.
What kind of weather information can I find on Emergency WA?
Emergency WA displays weather information direct from the Bureau of Meteorology including wind direction and speed, rain radar, and cyclone track maps. To turn on weather layers, click the Layers icon.
Where does the information on the website come from?
The information on this site comes from a number of sources, including from the State and Federal Governments. This includes details of incidents reported to authorities by members of the public, and alerts and warnings from State Government entities.
What is an Incident?
Emergency WA provides a live feed of active incidents in addition to the alerts and warnings you may be familiar with. This feature provides information about incidents to which DFES is responding.
When an incident is reported to DFES, Emergency WA publishes basic information including the type and location of the incident. You may notice the response type listed in the incident pop-up box which shows how the indent is being responded to. These responses include:
Remember emergencies can happen quickly and there may not always be time to issue a warning before life and property is under threat. It's important to put your plan into action at the first sign of danger. Do not wait and see.
When an incident is reported to DFES, Emergency WA publishes basic information including the type and location of the incident. You may notice the response type listed in the incident pop-up box which shows how the indent is being responded to. These responses include:
- Responding
Resources are mobile and travelling to the incident. - On-Scene
Resources are at the incident. - Monitoring
Resources are monitoring the incident (this can be performed remotely in regional areas).
Remember emergencies can happen quickly and there may not always be time to issue a warning before life and property is under threat. It's important to put your plan into action at the first sign of danger. Do not wait and see.
What is a Prescribed Burn?
The Parks and Wildlife Service at the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions manage most Prescribed Burns in WA.
Prescribed Burns may be conducted to lower flammable fuel loads to reduce the risk, size and severity of bushfire or for nature conservation.
Active Prescribed Burns will be published on Emergency WA.
More information on Prescribed Burns can be found on the DBCA Parks and Wildlife Service website visit:www.dpaw.wa.gov.au/management/fire/prescribed-burning/burns.
Prescribed Burns may be conducted to lower flammable fuel loads to reduce the risk, size and severity of bushfire or for nature conservation.
Active Prescribed Burns will be published on Emergency WA.
More information on Prescribed Burns can be found on the DBCA Parks and Wildlife Service website visit:www.dpaw.wa.gov.au/management/fire/prescribed-burning/burns.
What is a Burn off?
Burn offs can be conducted by Local Governments, State Government agencies, or members of the public.
When the manager of the Burn off reports it to DFES, in line with their permit requirements, it will be published on Emergency WA.
When the manager of the Burn off reports it to DFES, in line with their permit requirements, it will be published on Emergency WA.
What should I do if I am being affected by smoke?
If you see or smell smoke and there isn’t an incident listed on Emergency WA, take immediate action to stay safe and call 000.
If you are impacted by smoke:
If you are impacted by smoke:
- It is recommended you shut doors and windows, and turn off air-conditioners.
- People with asthma and pre-existing respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses should follow their pre-prepared treatment plan.
- If driving through the area, turn on headlights and drive slowly. If you cannot see clearly, pull over to the left, keep your headlights and hazard lights on, and wait until the smoke clears
- If affected by smoke, contact your doctor or call Health Direct on 1800 022 222
- Watch for emergency services personnel and follow their directions
What is a Total Fire Ban?
Total Fire Bans are declared because of extreme weather conditions or when widespread fires are seriously stretching firefighting resources.
When a Total Fire Ban is declared it prohibits the lighting of any fires in the open air and any other activities that may start a fire.
For more information about Total Fire Bans, including what you can and can't do when one is declared, visit the Total Fire Ban page on the DFES website
For current Total Fire Bans visit Total Fire Ban page on Emergency WA
When a Total Fire Ban is declared it prohibits the lighting of any fires in the open air and any other activities that may start a fire.
For more information about Total Fire Bans, including what you can and can't do when one is declared, visit the Total Fire Ban page on the DFES website
For current Total Fire Bans visit Total Fire Ban page on Emergency WA
What are Fire Danger Ratings?
Fire Danger Ratings (FDRs) describe the potential level of danger should a bushfire start, based on factors like the weather and the types of vegetation in an area. They are issued daily and provide important information so you can take action to protect yourself and others from the potentially dangerous impacts of a bushfire. The higher the FDR, the more severe a bushfire is expected to be.
For more information about Fire Danger Ratings and what each rating means, visit the Fire Danger Ratings page on the DFES website
For current Fire Danger Ratings visit the Fire Danger Ratings page on Emergency WA
For more information about Fire Danger Ratings and what each rating means, visit the Fire Danger Ratings page on the DFES website
For current Fire Danger Ratings visit the Fire Danger Ratings page on Emergency WA
How can I find Total Fire Bans?
You can find Total Fire Bans by clicking on the Total Fire Ban icon on Emergency WA.
You can also:
You can also:
- View Total Fire Bans on Emergency WA
- Access an RSS feed for Total Fire Bans. on Emergency WA. Select the link under the RSS and CAP AU feeds menu item
How can I find Fire Danger Ratings?
Click on the Fire Danger Rating icon on Emergency WA to see a map of all Western Australian fire weather districts, their associated Fire Danger Ratings and information about what action to take to stay safe.
When Extreme or Catastrophic fire danger ratings are forecast, a notice will appear within the Warnings section on the home page to raise awareness of heightened fire danger.
You can also:
When Extreme or Catastrophic fire danger ratings are forecast, a notice will appear within the Warnings section on the home page to raise awareness of heightened fire danger.
You can also:
- View Fire Danger Ratings on Emergency WA
- Access an RSS feed for Total Fire Bans. on Emergency WA. Select the link under the RSS and CAP AU feeds menu item
What is the Australian Warning System?
The Australian Warning System (AWS) is a nationally consistent approach to warnings for natural hazards including bushfire, flood, storm, cyclone and heatwave.
The latest information about the AWS in Western Australia can be found on the Australian Warning System page.
The latest information about the AWS in Western Australia can be found on the Australian Warning System page.
What is a heatwave?
A heatwave occurs when the maximum and the minimum temperatures are unusually hot over a three-day period at a particular location.
I am in a heatwave warning area, what do I do?
Heatwave warnings include the locations affected, the actions you should take to keep safe and other details to help you stay informed during extended periods of high temperatures.
The three warning levels are:
A severe heatwave is forecast in the coming days. There is no immediate danger. Stay up to date in case the situation changes.
Watch and Act:
A severe heatwave is occurring. There is a heightened level of threat. Conditions are changing and you need to take action now to protect yourself and your family.
Emergency Warning:
An extreme heatwave is occurring. Heatwave impacts are increasing. You need to take action immediately to protect yourself and your family.
The three warning levels are:
A severe heatwave is forecast in the coming days. There is no immediate danger. Stay up to date in case the situation changes.
Watch and Act:
A severe heatwave is occurring. There is a heightened level of threat. Conditions are changing and you need to take action now to protect yourself and your family.
Emergency Warning:
An extreme heatwave is occurring. Heatwave impacts are increasing. You need to take action immediately to protect yourself and your family.
How can I prepare for a heatwave?
For more information on heatwaves and how you can plan ahead for the heat visit Healthy WA.
I am in the power outage alert area, what should I do?
Power outage alerts include details about the locations affected, actions you should take to stay safe and other details to keep you informed during an extended outage.
Further information can be found by visiting Western Power.
Further information can be found by visiting Western Power.
How do I sign up for bushfire warnings through the ServiceWA app?
Follow the instructions in the ServiceWA app to accept permissions and allow ServiceWA to use your location. Visit wa.gov.au for more information.
For further support, contact the ServiceWA app support team on 13 33 92 (13 33 WA) or email support@digital.wa.gov.au.
Note: ServiceWA provides push notifications for bushfire warnings only. Stay up to date with warnings across all hazards by downloading the Emergency WA app.
- By enabling this service, you will receive a push notification if a bushfire warning has been issued in your location.
- The notification will take you Emergency WA for detailed information about the bushfire to help you stay safe.
- Remember: Never wait for a warning to act. Bushfires are unpredictable so be aware of your surroundings and act early to stay safe.
- If you don't have a bushfire plan, make one today by visiting My Bushfire Plan.
For further support, contact the ServiceWA app support team on 13 33 92 (13 33 WA) or email support@digital.wa.gov.au.
Note: ServiceWA provides push notifications for bushfire warnings only. Stay up to date with warnings across all hazards by downloading the Emergency WA app.
Who is in charge of emergencies in WA?
Preparing for and responding to emergencies is a shared responsibility between the Government, community and individuals. Getting prepared for emergencies is one of the best ways that you can get involved.
For more information about the management of emergencies in Western Australia refer to the State Emergency Management Committee at https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/state-emergency-management-committee
For more information about the management of emergencies in Western Australia refer to the State Emergency Management Committee at https://www.wa.gov.au/organisation/state-emergency-management-committee
Why didn't someone let me know there was an emergency near me?
Emergencies can strike at any moment, and there may not always be enough time to issue a warning before life or property is under threat.
It is important to seek information from a variety of sources and be prepared to take action to keep yourself safe. If in any doubt, take action straight away.
Find out more ways to find emergency information
It is important to seek information from a variety of sources and be prepared to take action to keep yourself safe. If in any doubt, take action straight away.
Find out more ways to find emergency information
Who will protect me during an emergency?
It is your responsibility to take action during an emergency. Stay aware of your surroundings and follow advice from emergency services.
Emergencies can happen anywhere, any time. Prepare yourself and your property for emergencies. If you are travelling through high-risk areas, be prepared and ready to act.
To ensure you are prepared for an emergency visit www.emergency.wa.gov.au/prepare
Emergencies can happen anywhere, any time. Prepare yourself and your property for emergencies. If you are travelling through high-risk areas, be prepared and ready to act.
To ensure you are prepared for an emergency visit www.emergency.wa.gov.au/prepare
What should I do with my pets?
It is your responsibility to prepare for the safety and welfare of your pets and farm animals during an emergency. It is a good idea to have a pet emergency kit and survival plan for your animals to help guide your actions during an emergency
Check with your local shire if there are animal welfare arrangements in place.
It is important to note that most evacuation centres are not able to accept animals. You may need to make alternative arrangements with family and friends who live away from the area.
For more information visit the DFES Animals and Emergencies page on the DFES website.
You can also find information on Animal welfare during bushfires on the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website.
Check with your local shire if there are animal welfare arrangements in place.
It is important to note that most evacuation centres are not able to accept animals. You may need to make alternative arrangements with family and friends who live away from the area.
For more information visit the DFES Animals and Emergencies page on the DFES website.
You can also find information on Animal welfare during bushfires on the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website.
I am concerned about family members/friends who may be impacted by an emergency - who can I contact?
Try to contact them directly or indirectly through friends, neighbours, or colleagues. If you have serious concerns for someone's safety and welfare, call WA Police.
During major incidents the Red Cross may set up the Register.Find.Reunite hotline. Information about the hotline will be included in the relevant warnings on Emergency WA
During major incidents the Red Cross may set up the Register.Find.Reunite hotline. Information about the hotline will be included in the relevant warnings on Emergency WA
My home is in the affected area and I'm not there. How do I know if my property is okay? When can I return?
It is understandable that you may be anxious to find out what's happening.
The first priority of emergency responders is to protect life and property at the scene of the incident, so it's important to be patient and let them do their jobs.
They will be doing all they can to reduce the risk to your property and the people in the area.
During an emergency, even after the immediate threat has passed, there will be other hazards such as burnt or fallen trees, loose debris and damage to roads and infrastructure.
Residents will be allowed to return once the agencies in charge are confident the area is safe.
Let your family and friends know you are safe in the meantime, as they may be looking for you.
The first priority of emergency responders is to protect life and property at the scene of the incident, so it's important to be patient and let them do their jobs.
They will be doing all they can to reduce the risk to your property and the people in the area.
During an emergency, even after the immediate threat has passed, there will be other hazards such as burnt or fallen trees, loose debris and damage to roads and infrastructure.
Residents will be allowed to return once the agencies in charge are confident the area is safe.
Let your family and friends know you are safe in the meantime, as they may be looking for you.
How can I help during an emergency?
Generally, donations of food or goods are not necessary and cannot be stored or distributed during the emergency response
During major emergencies the Lord Mayor's Distress Relief Fund may be activated to coordinate financial donations. More information is available at www.appealswa.org.au
During major emergencies the Lord Mayor's Distress Relief Fund may be activated to coordinate financial donations. More information is available at www.appealswa.org.au
Which internet browser works best with Emergency WA?
Emergency WA works best on the latest versions of Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge. For the best user experience, ensure you are using the latest version of one of these browsers.
The Emergency WA map is wrong?
The map on Emergency WA is provided by Mapbox. If you notice a map error, please visit the Mapbox website and report the issue
I can see an incident but it isn't appearing on your website at all - what should I do?
First, make sure you are not in any immediate danger. Act for your own safety and move to a safer location if necessary.
Call 000 to report the incident to the relevant authority.
Call 000 to report the incident to the relevant authority.
The information listed for an emergency is inaccurate - what should I do?
If the error is an incorrect place name, road closure information or other inaccuracy in the information provided, then please contact the agency that has issued the warning to let them know. The name of this agency will appear within the warning.
Who can I contact for Emergency WA app support?
An app tour and FAQs are available on the app, which can be found under ‘More information’ from the menu screen.
Tutorial videos are also available:
Should you need additional help, you can email emergencywa@dfes.wa.gov.au. Please note this inbox is monitored during business hours only and should not be used for emergency purposes.

Tutorial videos are also available:
Should you need additional help, you can email emergencywa@dfes.wa.gov.au. Please note this inbox is monitored during business hours only and should not be used for emergency purposes.
Got another question? Let us know.
You can email us at:
Please note this inbox is monitored during business hours only and should not be used for emergency purposes. Due to the volume of enquiries received we can't respond to each one. However, your feedback is important to us and will help us to plan future improvements to Emergency WA
To report a life threatening emergency, please call 000. For information about a current incident, please check the warnings page or call 13 DFES.
Please note this inbox is monitored during business hours only and should not be used for emergency purposes. Due to the volume of enquiries received we can't respond to each one. However, your feedback is important to us and will help us to plan future improvements to Emergency WA
To report a life threatening emergency, please call 000. For information about a current incident, please check the warnings page or call 13 DFES.