The Rural Fire Division is a Command of DFES focussed on tackling bushfire risk in WA. The Division is driving improvements to bushfire training, bushfire mitigation activities and land use planning across our State.

Our specialist teams

The Rural Fire Division consists of five specialist teams. Our teams work closely with local governments, state agencies, organisations, industry, volunteers and other key stakeholders to assist them in carrying out their roles in bushfire management. It’s these strong relationships which help us tackle bushfire risk more effectively in our State.

The five teams

Why was the Rural Fire Division established?

The Rural Fire Division was established as a Command of DFES in 2018 in response to the Special Inquiry into the January 2016 Waroona Fire (Ferguson Report). This report recommended the WA State Government create a rural fire function to enhance the capability for rural fire management and bushfire risk management.

What are the benefits?

The Rural Fire Division is helping to transform the way we manage bushfire risk across WA by helping to build safer, more resilient communities. We work with the emergency management sector to make the most of the wealth of expertise that exists.

The division is also delivering real benefits for volunteers by enhancing bushfire training products and making training more accessible. We are drawing on local knowledge and working to leverage the experience of volunteers and traditional custodians more than ever before.

What are the priorities of the Rural Fire Division?

  1. Enable the State to better understand its bushfire risk and how bushfire risk is managed in WA.
  2. Partner with communities to better understand and manage bushfire risk.

Our role in bushfire risk management

One of the key aspects of bushfire risk management is the ability to carry out mitigation activities and support local governments in bushfire risk management planning. The Mitigation Activity Fund (MAF) Grants Program, in addition to increased mitigation funding from the State Government, facilitate these activities in WA.

Bushfire Risk Management Planning Program
Mitigation Activity Fund Grants Program
Bushfire Risk Assessment and Treatment Plans
Assurance Program

Greater collaboration and support

State Bushfire Advisory Council (SBAC)
Interagency Bushfire Operations Committee (IBOC)


  • Aurora Fire Behaviour Calculator
    Use tool
  • Calculate the fire behaviour variable (e.g. the rate of fire spread or fire line intensity) by entering custom variables (e.g. vegetation types and forecast) for your location.

  • FireWatch Pro
    Use tool
  • FireWatch Pro uses satellite technology to provide everyone with the latest information. Click to view current fire hotspots and expected fire behaviours in your areas.

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Contact Us

If you have a question about the Rural Fire Division send an email to

More Information

Operational Fleet

DFES’ fleet comprises aerial pumpers, urban pumpers, incident control vehicles and more.

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Aviation Services

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services manage contracted aircraft and other aviation capabilities.

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DFES administers several Acts on behalf of the Minister for Emergency Services.

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Our History

The history of emergency services in Western Australia can be traced back to the early years of the Swan River Colony.

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About us

The department performs a critical role in coordinating emergency services to respond to incidents.

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